
ASK Pharm won national award for pharmaceutical quality and management

ASK Pharm has won the “2016 Chinese Pharmaceutical Quality and Management Award” on October 11, 2016; this is one of the top national awards in pharmaceutical product quality and operating management recognized by the Chinese Association of Pharmaceutical Quality and Management.Quality products are significant determinants of corporate operating strength and capacity; they also directly impact on economy development and society advancement of a country. For pharmaceutical products, product quality not only influences drug use and patient safety, but also contributes to overall quality of life for the general public. In order to maintain high product quality and consistent corporate operation, ASK Pharm has focused on innovative product research and development, efficient operating management, and standardized quality monitoring and assurance for many years. Throughout the evaluation processing ASK Pharm has exceeded all assessment criteria including corporate strategic planning, resource utilization and management, product surveillance and monitoring, SOP development and improvement, quality control and assurance, and social responsibility and contributions.      The recognition of ASK Brand and its products quality by this prestigious national award has very well illustrated the ASK Corporate Vision of “Based on Research, Oriented for Health”. We endeavor to maintain our consistent corporate reputation in product quality, and to make continuous contributions to patient safety and national economy.


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